Tuesday, October 26, 2010

To go or not to go? That is the question.

Thanksgiving weekend offers up many options this year. My mom and I had planned a trip back down to Kimberling City for a weekend of R & R only as it turns out, there are several reasons building for both of us not to go. The list of Pros is being dwarfed by the growing list of Cons.

Perhaps if this were a warmer time of year, the decision would be made much more easily as swimming would be the factor swaying down the list of Cons. Without swimming on the agenda, there really isn't much to do there besides watch movies and eat and go into Branson and spend money. There isn't even internet in the condo, you have to walk over to the club house for wifi. So, with work schedules playing in, my mom just moving, Girl's night would be missed, no swimming, the cost of driving there & 'doing' anything fun to keep from being bored...I think I'll stop losing sleep, giving myself dark circles and just call the trip off. Perhaps next year once the pool is opened again it will make all the difference but for now, we might just have to pass.

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