At the moment I am in terrible back/hip pain. I think it has everything to do with my bed, again. I know this is not a new storyline but in moving my bed and getting it set up again, I believe I did not get the right side of the top mattress up. I was *this* close last night to calling my mom and having her drive me to the ER for pain relief and some muscle relaxers. I ended up taking 2 advil and putting ice on it and stripping the bed and flipping the mattress over. I slept well considering and woke up feeling better. Today sitting in my chair at work, I'm in pain. It's difficult to stand/walk. I called a new chiropractor. Found out I have some chiropractic coverage on my insurance!! 26 visits per calender year, $50 each for co-pay but that's not so bad. Calling back soon to make an appointment. Just as soon as I balance my $ and see where I am. I'm behind, haven't made my car pmt yet this month but I'll get there.
So things are everywhere, some at the house I'm staying in now, in the living room, bedroom, basement and the garage as well as the storage unit. One might say, "Oh, that's just you all over!" It's true... I'll post again later to update you on my storage unit woes. For now, I'm enjoying the quiet of my suburbian oasis and making arrangements for the next move in March to my 2nd temporary place. I met with her last night to discuss the logistics and price. She's really doing it to help me so this will work out great, keep praying for me!!!
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