Monday, August 16, 2010

New school year: Day 1

Today is the first day of a brand new school year for many people of many ages all over the country. This day is always held with high regard and anticipation. You simply must have *just* the right outfit for the day, everything in your book bag is new...including the book bag!

There were alot of people unable to sleep well last night. From mom's coping with the realization that their little ones are ready for their first day ever to teens who are starting their last year of high school. Let's not forget those college students who've left home in search of their own life apart from mom and dad. I won't even mention all the teachers who are anxious about the new year.

Yes, the first day of school is exciting! I miss those days to be honest. I've enjoyed school in the past and secretly wish I could take a course or two just to feel that feeling again. To perk up my brain and get some new goodies bouncing around in there. Of course, I could always take some gmat prep courses and I'm sure it would be less expensive than traditional college, not to mention it's not like I can take time off from work. Hrmph.... There's just something special about the promise and possibilities you get on that first day back in the classroom. Good times...

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