Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Paper or Plastic? How did you vote? Decision 2008

I went to my local polling place this morning to cast my votes and was in line for just a few minutes. This is mainly due to the fact that the poll volunteers are there for the day and move at a snail's pace.

Anyway, while I was in line, I noticed that there were only 3 electronic voting machines in the entire room! That seemed odd to me. Surely they expected a great number of voter turnout...perhaps everyone shared my thoughts about how important this election is and *what if* something happened to the electronic machines? Sure, it's nice to slide in that plastic card into the machine and tap away at a nice screen but I want there to be a physical piece of evidence with my vote on it. Something that can be laid out and handled later if a 'recount' is needed. It may be old fashioned but I can tell you that about 97% of the people voting at my polling place were choosing paper ballots!

With the way things are these days, modern technology doesn't impress me with something as important as my vote hanging in the balance. For now, I feel much more comfortable voting the old fashioned way. Frankly I was pleased to have the choice! I felt much more at ease submitting my physical vote this way, how about you? Which did you choose? Paper or Plastic?


Debbie said...

we have no choice here. Paper ballot only. If I had the choice, I would choose paper.

4streegrrl said...

The paper ballot system has worked for provincial and federal elections in Canada throughout its history. There has been discussion about introducing an electronic option for the sake of efficiency and to help attract younger voters to the poll. But because the paper ballot has worked so well for us, I think the majority of Canadians would scream aloud if electronic balloting were brought in. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

However, it looks like I'll have to use some sort of new electronic system at the municipal election next week. It is one of those "fill in the dots on this sheet of paper and slide it into the machine for reading" system. Kind of papery and kind of plasticky.

Me, I like paper. It's a renewable and recyclable resource. ;)

BeccA's Buzz said...

Yes, the paper ballot I am speaking of is the fill-in-the-dot and slide-into-the-machine-to-read kind of system. Still, the paper is THERE. It can be recounted later if necessary. It's so much better than the punch card type that didn't work out so good in Florida a few years back... :) I'm so glad they got rid of those!

Anonymous said...

Down here, we had just paper ballots in the very same state. Go figure. Now is the wait and see.

Vivian said...

i only had paper ballots and stood in line for 2 hours...it was worth the wait.
All is in God's hand and I voted keeping his law in mind. I am at peace with my choice...and he did not win.

Bethany said...

Mine was paper, I voted "absentee in person" lol. 6 Days before the election and I spent two hours in line. I'm just glad it's all over!

Anonymous said...

I voted by paper ballot. Too many issues proven with electronic voting machines (documentaries have been dedicated to it). Also: no paper trail with electronic voting machines and that bothers me.