Monday, December 31, 2007

Give Me Five Monday Meme #7

Monday, December 31, 2007

The 'Give Me Five' Monday meme is designed to share fun information with each other in a simple short list! Here's how it works. Each week, I will put out a random topic from my list of topics and you share 5 answers of your choice on the given topic and link back here! You can add photos, links or stories or just a simple list of your own of 5 things that relate to the topic as it pertains to you and your life experiences. It doesn't have to be in any order of importance unless otherwise specified.
Sign up for weekly reminder emails @

Give Me Five ideas for kicking off your new year whether that be party suggestions or weight loss ideas or simply goals you have or crafty ideas you have been thinking about starting, the sky is the limit on this one!

No, I won't be talking about changing your cufflinks, but I will make some suggestions for giving your house or office a face lift for the new year!

1. Rearrange your furniture. It's the simplest way to get out of the same-old same-old slump that can actually be quite depressing! Just think outside of the box and with a little planning, you will have a new furniture lay out in no time flat! Don't be afraid to experiment! Grab that chair from the corner it has lived in since you brought it into the room and pull that out away from the wall! Forget all those old cliches' about the furniture has to be up against the walls or in a specific arrangement focusing on the tv. It's your house, you might just like it! And buddy up! It's easiest to have a friend help you do the actual moving of the furniture. You will be so happy just moving a pieces of furniture around, even if you simply trade the sofa and love seat positions!

2. Another great idea for refreshing your spaces is to simply rearrange your chotchkies! Go into a room that needs a face lift, and take down all the sit-a-rounds, picture frames, books, get the picture here. Take them all down and spread them out on the kitchen table. Then 1 by 1, take a piece back into the room and put it somewhere else than where it was before. I think you will be amazed by the results!

3. How long has it been since you updated family photos or simply rearranged the order they hang on the 'family photo' wall that every family seems to have and should have, I might add. You can do wonders by just taking those photos down and adding new ones in or arranging them by family member's age.

4. Another great idea is painting an accent wall. If you don't have much money, don't fret! You can pick up a can of 'Oopsie' paint at your local hardware store for like $5 a gallon! Oopsie paint is when someone orders a color to be mixed and it doesn't come out to their liking...the hardware store sells these cans of perfectly good paint very inexpensively and they will even shake the can again for you before taking it home. But I do suggest revisiting this aisle often as the selection of random 'oopsies' can vary from day to day. Another option for this is to ask for left over paint from a friend's project! Chances are they will give you the paint and you can make use of the leftovers to create an accent for your home!

5. To update your kitchen, clean out that pantry! That's right...what better way to kick off your new year than to get out all those old what-nots that have been plaguing your healthy eating. I'm not saying throw away your food here....I'm merely suggesting a reorganization to bring to the front all the unhealthy snacks lurking in the darkness of temptation in the back reaches of your snack shelf! Get those snacks out to the front...finish them off first and then replace them with healthier snacks! Besides, isn't it time to check for expiration dates on some of those things?

All of these suggestions range from subtle to major but they are all basically free and not really all that time consuming, if you think about it. You will be so surprised what a different feeling a few changes can make to your home or office spaces. This is where we spend the most amount of time, don't let it get you in a slump! Try any combination of these to kick off your new year in a new mood! Happy New Year!!!

Give Me Five Participants

1. Comedy Plus

2. Serena

3. maryt/theteach

Learn more about Give Me Five here.
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Mom Knows Everything said...

Hi Becca! I don't know if I'll have a chance to do "Gimme Five" today, but I wanted to come check yours out and wish you a Happy New Year!

Sandee said...

Good suggestions Becca. I didn't even think about some of these. Cleaning out the pantry is in progress by the way. Mine is up and thanks for doing this today. Have a great GM5 and a very Happy New Year. :)

maryt/theteach said...

Hey Becca, my GM5 post is up! Thanks for reminding me! I had fun! Happy New Year to you and yours!

Anonymous said...

Hello Becca,

Thanks for the encouraging words. Best wishes to you!


maryt/theteach said...

I'm sorry Becca, my post for GM5 is at Answers to the Quesstions
I gave you my other blog, sorry again!