The 'Give Me Five' Monday meme is designed to share fun information with each other in a simple short list! Here's how it works. Each week, I will put out a random topic from my list of topics and you share 5 answers of your choice on the given topic and link back here! You can add photos, links or stories or just a simple list of your own of 5 things that relate to the topic as it pertains to you and your life experiences. It doesn't have to be in any order of importance unless otherwise specified.
Give Me Five smells that remind you of childhood.
So here's my Give Me Five list:
1. Crayons - Opening a box unleashes a cloud of memories. I spent many hours coloring in books and on every piece of scratch paper I could find when I was a child.
2. Rubber tires - Well, the inner tubes anyway. We would always pile into the back of grandpa's blue Ford truck with our inner tubes and head off to the river for an afternoon of splashing and floating. Riding back, we would always sit on the tubes and bask in the summer sun as we went up and down the country roads coming home from a day at the river. I remember my hair whipping me in the face and the shadows the trees would cast as it interrupted the bright sunlight. Those were some of my favorite times in my life. The smell of inner tubes makes me 9 again!
3. Campfires - This one is a 2 fold answer. One reason is because someone was always burning something in the country where we spent about 1/2 our time when I was growing up. The other reason takes m back to church camp. We ended each night with a sit around the campfire singing our songs to the Lord. I have many fond memories of campfires. Oh, also from actually going I guess it's more of a 3 fold reason LOL I still enjoy the smell of smoldering wood and brush. I also love the sound of the crackling flames.

4. Elmer's Glue - Used it all the time in school!
5. Pine Sol - My mom cleaned with this and the whole house would smell so good! I use it in my own house to this day, just because it conjures up the smell of clean to me!

So copy the 'Give Me Five' logo and participate in my new meme! Show your support by returning each week to take part and find out what the next topic shall be! I have a list of topics brewing right now! If you would like a reminder each week including the next topic, please email me at
I have purchased a silver membership to Mr. Linky in order to create a link love widget. So go get the code and start today!!! And tell all your blogger friends! And please leave a comment too!
1. Crayons - Opening a box unleashes a cloud of memories. I spent many hours coloring in books and on every piece of scratch paper I could find when I was a child.

4. Elmer's Glue - Used it all the time in school!

So copy the 'Give Me Five' logo and participate in my new meme! Show your support by returning each week to take part and find out what the next topic shall be! I have a list of topics brewing right now! If you would like a reminder each week including the next topic, please email me at
I have purchased a silver membership to Mr. Linky in order to create a link love widget. So go get the code and start today!!! And tell all your blogger friends! And please leave a comment too!
1. The Gal Herself 2. Cheaper By the Half Dozen 3. Serena | 4. Sal 5. Country Life 6. Julie | 7. Comedy Plus 8. Ginafish |
Learn more about Give Me Five here.
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sounds like fun!! I will try this one out next week! I LOVED your childhood smells--love the smell of crayons.
PS Hope you had a great weekend.
Thanks for the invite. I just posted my first "Give me 5."
This is great! I will try to participate but I can't today.
This is cool. Want to join in Fabulously Fun Friday? I tried to be creative like you, but I couldn't find a real Hello Kitty eraser anywhere... darn.
Thanks for the invitation. Mine is up! another meme! :D
This looks like a fun meme so I've joined in! :)
Great! A new meme! I'll start next week. Count me in! Also, I like your topic for this week.....smells bring back memories faster than anything else to me!
Sounds like fun Becca. I'll play next Monday. Thanks...
Oh gosh, another list person like me... I'm so happy I found you :-) I'd love to join in and do this meme on Mondays, if that's ok. It sounds like a blast!
Thank you EVERYONE who participated! I love it and I'm so excited you all had a good time with it. Don't forget to email me @ if you want to get on the email reminder list! Thanks again, see you next week for another 'Give Me Five' Monday meme!!!
I would LOVE to participate in this!!! I will start my Give Me Five next week!! I have got to get back to my Fridays Feasts and Heads or Tails Tuesdays too... Maybe I will be able to get to a feast tomorrow...
Thanks for starting this - I love the idea!!
This sounds like fun, Becca. I'll do this next Monday, if I remember...Ha!
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