It's difficult for me sometimes to express on this blog the many different things that go on in my life. I feel the need to stifle alot of topics and not personalize my posts as much as I would like because I know a few different people who read my blog (and I want them to) are not people I can be 100% open with. My beliefs and issues are not shared and I tend to shy away from certain posts because I don't want those people to completely stop reading my blog. Also, some of the people I am talking about will know who I am referencing in those type of posts even though I would never use names and in essence would make it appear I am gossiping-which I would not be. What I am picturing is a second blog to be primarily used as a diary of sorts. I will not link the two blogs. I will probably not even promote it. If people happen by, then they just do.
I will be keeping this blog, of course! I've made some great blogging buddies here and of course, there's the Give Me Five meme hosted here on Mondays. I won't stop finding ways to talk about
video cards and things like that. I like to have quite a variety of topics here. Actually, tomorrow (Thursday) I am starting a new bible study at mom's church called "Peeking into a box of chocolates" which will be facilitated by my mom. It is shaping up to be quite a good study as much as I know about it already. I will do weekly posts talking about the study.

So there will be lots to post on this blog as well. How many of you have more than one blog and what is the purpose of multiple blogs for you?
Here's a video for a song that's on my heart at this time...
I rarely comment, but I read your blog regularly. Since I seem to be the Queen of Multi-Blogging, I'll just say that I have a blog for 'regular daily stuff', a meme blog, a book/reading blog, a vacation blog, a work blog, a work blog to which I contribute that is public (with my real name), a blog where I can kvetch about people who read my other blogs, and a TOTALLY PRIVATE blog that no one else knows about. That's 8. I think I actually have one more, but I can't remember why. ;-)
Oh, yeah: it's the blog I use when I teach classes at work about How To Blog.
So, two blogs? Pah, that's a piece of cake! Good luck with it--it is hard to be oneself all the time when one knows that one's friends might read unflattering comments about themselves. heee
Nice, you sure do have alot of blogs! LOL That's great! Lot's of ways to channel your thoughts.
I have two blogs but only one that I maintain. I leave the other out there because the information still helps & blesses people but I don't update it. Every once in awhile I'll get a comment. I don't think I can keep up with more than one.
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