The 'Give Me Five' Monday meme is designed to share fun information with each other in a simple short list! Here's how it works. Each week, I will put out a random topic from my list of topics and you share 5 answers of your choice on the given topic and link back here! You can add photos, links or stories or just a simple list of your own of 5 things that relate to the topic as it pertains to you and your life experiences. It doesn't have to be in any order of importance unless otherwise specified.
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Give Me Five ways to fit exercise into your life.
This week's topic was suggested by Joyce T @ Mom's Musings! We could all use a little more exercise in our busy and hectic lives. It's good for ya and keeps you in top shape to make it along your journey. I've been lacking this in my life lately. Thanks Joyce, I really, *really* need these kinds of tips right now. I am desperately needing to add exercise to my busy life! I can't stress this enough, help, Help....HELP!

1. forgetfulone 2. Michael 3. Dawn\'s Daily Life 4. Tamy ~ 3 sides of crazy :) 5. Shannon H. | 6. maryt/theteach 7. Kwizgiver 8. Tammy 9. Jess~Kitty 10. Joyce T. | 11. Byrningbunny 12. Beverly 13. Petula |
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Great topic! Mine is posted.
Thanks for the writing prompt!
I don't know if I should trust myself to be coordinated enough to do leg exercises while washing dishes, but I'll give it a try. ;o)
Love the list. I also do leg exercises while doing dishes.
Great topic! I always do the parking lot trick - it avoids dents in the car doors too!
I agree...great topic! Mine are posted.
Becca, mine is up! Your suggestions are great and serious ones... I thought I'd joke a little! :)
Like you, Becca, I need to be much more consistent with exercise. Bah.
Mine's up! I'll be back later to visit the other participants. :o)
I posted mine!
Hi, Becca,
Nice list! Walking is my favorite of the things you list. :)
I joined your group this week. Hope it's okay. Your suggestions were all very thoughtful. Mine were not! lol
Mine is posted! I do the parking lot one but only in the summer! :-)
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