Wednesday, February 06, 2008

It's hump day!

Ah, another Wednesday is upon us. Usually around this point in the work week, I'm in need of some jumper cables to give me a burst of 'umph' to keep going. This week, on the other hand, I seem to be moving along at full speed! Maybe it has something to do with having worked 6 days a week for the past few weeks with no end in the new schedule in sight.

This time of year (tax time) is when I begin to work a very hectic schedule. You'd think that having only 1 day off a week will make you so tired but for me, it really doesn't. Sundays are always busy with church and visiting friends. So there's always something going on, it's good to be active! I dislike being bored anyway LOL It certainly makes the time pass more quickly and I am all too ready to earn the extra income.

So happy hump day from me to you!

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