Well, I've been hearing recently that there have been some new rules coming down and changes to the Terms of Service (TOS) over at PPP. Rumor has it that PPP is trying to tell us bloggers how to order our interim posts between paid opps for them (PPP) which is fine. I have read the new section of the Terms of Service, as suggested by my friend and also by PPP. You know, they should have regulations like these in order for the advertisers to get fair ads and to maintain a certain level of original content to these blogs that are being paid to advertise for them.
The problem comes in, when PPP is now trying to tell us how to order our interim posts with other paid posts from non PPP paid ad websites! They are trying to override the stipulations other paid sites put on the posts for their interim posts. For instance, PayU2Blog allows you to include the link texts for their paid assignments in back to back posts. Only one per link text ad per post, but that post can be followed up by another post with an ad, and so on. They do not require non-paid posts in between.
In other words, PPP would like posts to go like this:
PPP ad post
Interim Original post
PayU2Blog post
Interim Original post
Currently we have been able to decide our own blog content and abide by PPP TOS and post such as this:
PPP ad post
Interim Original post
PayU2Blog post
PayU2Blog post
Interim Original post
PPP ad post
So, really, who's blog is this anyway? What's next, is PPP going to begin to regulate what the content of our original posts can be now, too? I mean, I agree that they should do their best to cut back on those blogs that are just being maintained to generate money. That's not fair to the advertisers at all. But for those of us who actually like our blogs and throw in some paid content from time to time, we shouldn't be told what we can or cannot post for other websites! PPP should be able to regulate what we do directly before and after the posts we do for them, but that's it!
And the TOS described other websites that pay bloggers for ads as "competition" sites. What? Are they on drugs? Do they need some drug rehabilitation or something? How are they "competition"? They aren't really that similar at all, if you get right down to it. The differences are staggering. But that is another post entirely.
Yo, PPP, you are going to make some great and faithful bloggers very upset! Why not spend some time looking at the content of our blogs and weeding out those blogs that are just 'Open for business' and get rid of them? Otherwise, leave us to decide the content of our blogs!
1 comment:
Amen! *holding you up on your soap box* I read that yesterday in section 5.5 and while I do like to have my own post between any and all paid posts, what exactly does it matter to them? I agree..they need to really look at our blogs. I love my blog and want to write everything there. So anyway, I'm with ya!
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