*Things to clean/organize at home
*Classes I'd like to take
*Things I don't like about certain people (yes, it helps me be clear)
*Things I'm looking for in a man (again, it helps me be clear)
*Websites to visit when I get a chance (from radio or tv)
*Bible verses or stories I want to read
*Things to do to prepare for my trip (fill mp3 player, get passport)
*Things to pack for England
*Things to pack in my carry on
*Souvenir ideas
*Old movies I want to see but haven't yet
*Things people like (for gift giving)
*Things to ask my pastor
*Things to take to my dads when I visit next
*Planet Earths (which ones I have and which ones I still need to record)
These are just a few lists that I keep stored in my pda!

I heart lists! :)
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