Here are my top 5 favorites (in no particular order that are showing now, Patrick) :

Hell's Kitchen - Love this show, although I'm not too hip on how extreme he gets with them. This season is interesting, I don't personally see any contestants who seem ready to run a high end kitchen, that's just my opinion. But, their lack of skills/techniques make for a good show because they constantly fuel Chef Ramsey's fire!

Top Chef - I love the creativity in shows like these. This is a good season, there are a few great and creative chefs. Sometimes I think, 'Yuck, I would never want to eat that!' Then other times, I wish I had smell-a-vision!!!

On the Lot - Again, I love the creativity here! My favorite is Sam, he's right up my alley. I have liked every film he has done. My favorite is still 'The Replication Theory' You can go to their website and watch it, funny, funny, funny!!!

I love Hell's Kitchen. It's the best!
I don't watch TV but I've heard my mom talked a lot about "So You Think You Can Dance". She absolutely love the dancers and their dancing skills! :D
Weird - I was just thinking about doing a post on how much we love Big Love!
I actually grew up in a little town in Canada which (still to this day) has a very large polygamous community not far from it. (10 miles out of town)
It's definitely NOTHING like the compound on the show, but there are some similarities. Hubby and I love love love this show - it's so different and complex.... and addicting! :-)
I love Hell's Kitchen. I was hoping there were others out there. I worked for a pastry chef and they really are that mean. He threw things and cursed us all the time. I made him mad one day and he put me in front of a gas stove that had a leak and I had a horrible migraine. I was too afraid to say anything. I am out of the business today. It too stressful.
I watch him on BBC America also. Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares. This Fall there is suppose to be the American version. Can't wait.
Thanks for stopping by my Friday Feast. :o)
Do you realize there are six shows listed here?
Yes, That's why I did it differently and mentioned that I have liked this show before, but this season has not yet started.
Hi Becca, you left a nice comment on my blog, thankyou. Here are the details of places to shop for yarn in London (that I know of). John Lewis and Libertys are big department stores with a haberdashery section. They tend to stock the best known brands such as Rowan and Debbie Bliss. Stash and Loop are much more interesting to me as they have a wider range and stock less usual brands but they are further out of central London than the big shops. Hope you have a pleasant visit to England. Best wishes, Helen.
John Lewis:
Oxford Circus W1A 1EX
Regent Street London W1B 5AH
41 Cross Street Islington, London, N1 2BB
213 Upper Richmond Road
London Sw15 6SQ
Also, you might find these reviews interesting:
Hey Helen, thanks for the great info! I hope to get to at least one of those stores while I'm there, we'll see. Thanks!!!
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