Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Merry Christmas - in July

"It's the (2nd) most wonderful time, of the year!!!"

Quickly now, only 5 months left until Christmas.


Pearls of Wisdom said...

Too funny! Happy WW.

Smiles and Blessings,

Angel ( Angel Mama )

Ingrid said...

Ah no ! Not yet ! I am still waiting for the summer to come ! This year it's raining and it's cold (in the 50) in Belgium it's just like winter already ! No global warming over here !

Crystal said...

Oh Wow...I haven't even thought about Christmas.....LOL and who wears a Santa suit in July? That's hilarious. Thanks for stopping by my blog for this WW!

BeccA's Buzz said...

What's funny is, this isn't my WW photo, I did that so long ago (late last night, actually) it's too far down for you all to see! LOL