The 'Give Me Five' Monday meme is designed to share fun information with each other in a simple short list! Here's how it works. Each week, I will put out a random topic from my list of topics and you share 5 answers of your choice on the given topic and link back here! You can add photos, links or stories or just a simple list of your own of 5 things that relate to the topic as it pertains to you and your life experiences. It doesn't have to be in any order of importance unless otherwise specified.

Give Me Five favorite amusement park rides.
1. Space Mountain - Disney World in Orlando, Florida: Seriously, I dream about this ride. It was sooo fun! I can't say it was all that much of a thrill as far as being the fastest or highest or twistiest....but it was so fun!!! I loved that it was indoors, I love that you are in a single file line, I love that it's dark, it was just a very fun ride, I hope to revisit this ride again someday. I could do without most of the rest of that park, but Space Mountain was waaaay fun!! It even creeps into my dreams at night from time to time.
2. The Super Duper Looper - Hershey Park, Pennsylvania: This older steel coaster can be found in the section of the park that was original when it was opened. It goes over water and intertwines with a great coaster they have in another part of the park called the Great Bear which is an inverted coaster. In general it is an average steel type coaster only it goes upside down through an inverted loop.! 'Yeah, well, what makes that so special?' I'm glad you only has a lap bar to hold you in!!! By design, that is enough to hold a person to their seat while you go upside down through the loop! Crazy, I know....these days you have to have a 5 point harness to go up a 5% incline....go figure. It's great fun! Watch a Youtube video here.
3. ET - Universal Studios, Orlando, Florida: This is no coaster. This is no water ride. This is an experience everyone should encounter!!! You basically become a participant helping ET 'go home.' You 'ride' on a 6 person 'bike' and there's even a basket on the front with a mock ET in it under a blanket, just like in the movie!!! You go past the cops chasing you, through the town, and up into the air. You even get to see where ET lives! I always have to ride it atleast 2 or 3 times when I get to Universal. Once when I first get there, and just before leaving. If I can sucker my fellow park friends into it, I try to get back over to it for a mid day run too! It's silly, I know, but I can't help but to clap and giggle during the entire thing! I have a photo of myself in front of it, but it's not in my computer, it's in my scrapbook! Great fun!
4. The Batman - Six Flaggs over Mid America, Eureka, Missouri: This was the first ride I experienced where your feet hung down, called an inverted roller coaster. Riding in the front of this one gives one the sensation of flying, waaaaaaaaaaa hooooooooo! Fantastic!!! This particular one is not a very long only lasts for a short time. Which leads me to the last one I'll mention today...
5. The Montu - Bush Gardens, Tampa, Florida: Inverted coasters are very popular and very exciting. I always wanted to fly and these rides feed my desire to! This particular one was the highest and longest one around when it was first out. It's just great and even takes you underground!!!! If you haven't experienced an inverted coaster, turn off your computer and go find one right away! What a thrill! There is a real danger involved in amusement park rides, but you are still safer on one of those rides than in your car, so go have fun for me!!! Oh yeah, that's another reason to get be able to fit on rides again. A very embarrasing moment is when the ride attendant has to ash for help pushing down the shoulder bars so the strap will connect to the latch!!! Motivation, indeed.

1. Mom Knows Everything 2. Jane 3. Misty Dawn 4. Mama Pajama | 5. The Gal Herself 6. Kwizgiver 7. Julie 8. Alison | 9. Rantings of a Woman 10. Anna |
Learn more about Give Me Five here.
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My rides look pretty pathetic compared to yours. I couldn't get Mr.Linky to work for me. I have to figure out how to do it. Sorry :o(
Those rides look awesome. Though this is a great topic, I would opt out for this time. Thanks for the reminder, Becca. Enjoy your week. :)
Eagerly awaiting for next week's topic. ;)
I found your meme through The Gal Herself. ;-) This is great!
Well, I have posted my very FIRST, Give Me Five!
I loved are more of a daredevil than me!
I came to play BUT I don't get to go on amusement park rides anymore because I have kids and I have really only been on a few so I have nothing to post today :( I'll be back later to visit!
I've dreamed of going to most of the places you mentioned. Someday!
Mine is up! Thanks for inviting me to participate in your new meme! I love amusement park rides. I would eventually like to start my own meme too....I just haven't thought of anything yet. LOL
I'm up. Come on by.
I spelled my link correctly this time... and I fixed my post to include the trackback. It was a bit before coffee... :-)
I see we both enjoy Batman! :) You're more of a thrill seeker than me, I'm afraid! :)
I'm up - but my list is not nearly as interesting as yours. You are wayyyyy braver than I. Thanks for the fun topic! Have a great week!
I just joined your give me five and will get to work on a post in a bit. I am not one to go on many rides but I did as a kid...what ever happened to me having fun...where is my nerve? lol
It's still Monday, right? I wanted to do this earlier, but I just never had a chance. I love amusement park rides. Great list!
This looks like a fun meme and I'll jump in when I'm fully back! :)
Did you ask to have it added at
Here it is Becca:
Thanks a million. :)
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