So I have this friend, let's call him...'Patrick', who is running a contest on his blog to name a patron saint of his blog. That's great! He chose some worthy contestants and allowed his readers to choose a few as well. Through a system of voting, a winner will be chosen. One of the people he chose to contend for the prized spot, he was unable to find sufficient photos of online, so he wrote a post to announce the replacement of that contestant, Mary Alice from Ace of Cakes.
Shown here in red shirt, I really hope I didn't have to just tell you that!Poof! She showed up!!! I believe she commented on his post proclaiming her dislike in being dropped out of the running like that. Did you hear what I just said? Mary Alice from Ace of Cakes commented on his blog! So cool.....
Boy was he right, pickins' are slim out there in the photo pool. After much searching, I have found a couple of photos of Mary Alice to share here on my blog in an effort to summon her to my humble blog. I need to check my
term life insurance to make sure it's up to date in case she actually responds! I told 'Patrick'...if you build it, they will come...........

Mary Alice, if you are reading this: Thanks for stopping by! I love cake and Baltimore, too! I have a friend who moved there from here (St. Louis, MO) a few years ago and I just love to visit her there! The Inner Harbor is my FAVE, especially the National Aquarium. When all the white jelly fish are thick in the Bay or when they are having the live music like Alborada or Mystic Warriors (South American flute types) The music just fills the air around the bay and the boats. Love it!
I wish I worked with younger looks like fun, really! Don't hate me for that curb photo above, I did not make it grainy nor did I write all over you in green. I found it on a Google search! LOL
This is sad on so many levels.
Oh, come laughed, you know you did LOL I did LOL I still am! :-)
Actually I've been meaning to write this post for a long time now, hence the part where her commenting on your blog is actually old news. But after getting google-slapped, I wouldn't be surprised if this post isn't even accessible out there by searching for 'Mary Alice'. Oh well! LOL
just commented to see if she's been by here yet :) Hey, the president of Eli's Cheesecakes commented on my blog! Cool--my touch with a celebrity.
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