The 'Give Me Five' Monday meme is designed to share fun information with each other in a simple short list! Here's how it works. Each week, I will put out a random topic from my list of topics and you share 5 answers of your choice on the given topic and link back here! You can add photos, links or stories or just a simple list of your own of 5 things that relate to the topic as it pertains to you and your life experiences. It doesn't have to be in any order of importance unless otherwise specified.
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3. Not being able to find something I am looking for. I don't often visit stores I am not familiar with just because I dislike walking around in circles looking for items. It's a big waste of time. So I tend to revisit stores I'm familiar with.

5. Shopping is usually an enjoyable adventure for me. Sometimes I have something specific in mind and I set out to hunt it down and shop it out of it's hiding place. I also love to give gifts! So I get a little sad when I find out I can't give as much as I want because my funds are limited and with todays prices on things, you end up getting less for the same money...couple that with crowds and unfamiliar stores, hoo wee! So I stick to my budget, watch for sales, visit stores I'm familiar with and go at off peak times in an effort to keep shopping a fun adventure. I hope you can too!
I'm fortunate. Kinda. I guess... I don't have many people who I'd like to spend $ on. Just a couple of people who know just how limited my funds are, so they don't expect much. :) I really wanted to get a $300 DVD series for Poor Hubby this year, though & it's just not gonna work out. That does suck.
I hate not having money to spend either - it definitely takes a lot of the fun out of the whole shopping experience. My list is up! :)
My list is up. This one was right up my alley! I know what you mean about the prices these days!
Have a great day everyone. Great list today too. Let's us all vent. :)
I'm sorry it's a little late, but it's up :o)
Mine us up too! Thanks for the fun Monday idea!
It looks like none of us like crowds much!
Sorry for nagging you about the meme - I was honestly just trying to help.
Mine's up! I'm early this week.
I hate crowds, too - and about that milk, my husband could explain the whole thing to you. He's a cost accountant in the dairy industry. Basically, you can blame the government because they set milk prices, and there's some complicated formula that determines the cost - and the farmers still aren't getting rich.
I made it this week! :D
Well shoot. What time do you post this?
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