To "Cherished moments with my 2 angels" because she's caring and always posts about her happy family and contributes regularly to my blog, making my blogging community a much happier place to be! I'm so happy to be giving you an award first for a change!
To "Cheaper by the half dozen" because she is definitely a great contributor of happy community blogging over there. She's constantly coming up with fun stories about her kiddos and keeping me entertained! She's an extremely talented writer as well!
To "Rants from Sunnybrook Farm" not just because we share a wonderful name ;) but because she has quite a nice little blog going on over there! Perhaps some day I can make it into her 'links' list LOL
And last, but certainly not least, to "Skittles Place" because she totally rocks! She created a great meme called Heads or Tails, I love her 'Caption This' post accompanied by her fake prizes, which I actually won once! LOL She is a great contributor to our blogging community and someone we could learn a thing or two from.
Thanks to all my recipients because you rock and you make my blogging community a better place to be! There were a couple more, but I could see they had already received the award! Good for you! Also thanks to Miles to go for considering me worthy of this award as well! Now get back out there and get ta' blogging!!!
shame on you :)Your one of my favorite blooging buddies and don't know my name? *sigh* it's Bridget.
You do your thang but I LOVE it!
Have a great Thursday...
I DID KNOW THAT!! What the flub is wrong with me? I knew your name was Bridget!! I swear, some days I can't think straight!!! Sorry, please forgive me, BRIDGET! Lordy, what's wrong with me? (No one answer that!)
Your there baby...on my links page. Thank you so much for the award. Hugs from Oklahoma.
Whoa! Thank you so much! I just got finished adding this great award to my blog awards section... total of... *gasp* are you ready? THREE! Bwahahaha.. Thank you also for the youknowwhat... of course I won't complain! I love reading your blog as well! And I must say that I'm glad you're back!
*Jumping up and down*
CONGRATS on the award! :)
YAHHH - thanks so much for the award!! You are such a sweetie, and I love your blog!! I can visit and always find something to smile about! Thanks for including me - and you have another waiting for ya! Hope you are enjoying your weekend!!
Make that you have 2 more waiting for you...because you are so great!
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