If you were a dog, what breed would you be, and why?
I'm not sure on this one, I'm not a dog person! I'm more of a cat person, so not sure. Sorry!
What does the color purple make you think of?
My mom and the movie 'The color purple' which is one of my all time best movies!
Approximately how long does it take you to get ready each morning?

Main Course:
How many cousins do you have, and are you close to them?
I have 25 cousins on my dad's side and 5 cousins on my mom's side. Some I am close to, some are dead and some I rarely/never see. There may be more that not all of us know about, if you know what I mean. I'll list all the ones I can remember, in no particular order:
Deanna, Christina, Stephanie, Bub, Cathy, Brian, Darrell, Darrin, Charles, Lynne, Tony Jr, Roxanna, Nathan, Ladonna, Tonya, Paula, Vicky, Michelle, Timan, Nikki, Beverly, Curtis, Roy Jr, Amanda, Jerrod, Cassie, Kenneth, Cindy, Jeffrey and one that my uncle had a few years back that I only met once and have no idea what his name is.
Take your initials (first, middle, last) and come up with something else those letters could stand for. (Example: SFO = Sweet Funny Otter)
RLH: Really Long Hair (which I have, although this is not me, I do love her hair!)
so what kind of cat would you want to be? It takes you an hour to get ready? Wow--I guess with really long hair that takes time :) That's a lot of cousins'
Have a wonderful weekend, Becca.
Like all the illustrations with your feast!
Same soup, The Color Purple movie.
Love all the shells!
Happy Friday!
Great feast!!
Laane's feast
Great feast... Have a terrific weekend!
Yeah, what Bridget ask. What kind of cat would you be. Great feast and I love all your pictures as usual. Have a great FF and weekend. :)
what a great feast and blog..The color purple is a great movie!
Great feast! I love your header, Llandudno is less than 2 hours drive from my house,but I've not been there for years, makes me want to visit again, but maybe next year when it's a bit warmer!
Love the way you deliver your feast and the lady's long hair... awesome! I always wanted curly hair...
I love the Color Purple... I want to see the Broadway show so badly. It's one of my all-time favorite movies.
Well, all, I have no idea what kind of cat I would be! A fat one!?
As far as the Color Purple on Broadway, I'd love love love for it to come here, I'd be the first one in line! I still cry when it starts, just knowing what's coming!
Hey there
I needed to clarify my dessert
Another Squishy Peanut+ another fat baby.
I call all babies squishies and peanuts
Well, in that case, it went from yuck to cute! LOL Squishies...yes, they are! :-)
That hair is pretty, but I wouldn't want to take care of it! Happy Feasting!
Happy Friday.
I love cats too. I have seven of them. I do have one lone dog.
I have long hair also. It can be a pain to comb. Windy days can cause some real tangles.
Have a lovely weekend.
Hello -- I am new to Friday's Feast and thought I would stop on by.
Great feast.
I have long hair too (bum length). There is a site that collects pictures of long hair, I forget what it is called but you can send a backside photo of your hair in.
I've read The Color Purple and totally enjoyed it.
Great feast, Becca! Happy weekend.
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