Well, I'm back from abroad! I had a great time, there's alot to tell you all. But first I want to take a few moments to do a Heads or Tails, since it has been a while and I'd like to jump right back into my much abandoned blogging!
This week's topic is 'Stack'. And we are on a 'Heads' week, so I can interpret it any way I'd like. So I will do a list using the letters in stack, it seems an easy and efficient way of attacking the topic.
S-Stuff, I like to stack all my stuff up as high as it will go before falling over. Sometimes it does fall over, then I just start a new stack of stuff!
T-Tits, Ok, I know what you are thinking, SHOCKER, but hey, it's what I immediately thought of when I read 'stack,' some women are 'Stacked' more than others...so t is for tits, since there wasn't a b for boobs in 'stack.'
A-All over the place, this is where you can find stacks at my house.
C-Clean em up, this is what I need to do with some of the stacks in my house.
K-Well, not a lot of words start with K, so I'm going to put it on a stack to figure out later.
There you go, my first Heads or Tails in a long time, but it feels great to be getting back to my blog!
Still to come, more info on the trip and PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL - you have me laughing out loud. Fun post!
I love stacks, when presented this way :-D
My stack make me to a couch potato.... *giggles*
Captain Lifecruiser
Very clever! :)
woohoo--one of my favorite bloggers is finally back!! I missed you so much!! I hope you had a blast and I am so excited to hear about your trip!! Are you rested and refreshed or exhausted?
Great post on STACK too.
Welcome back my friend.
Great, fun interpretation of this week's theme. Thanks for the laugh!
Welcome home!!!!
Thanks for the laugh with the letter "T." :)
Great idea for this week! I can finally leave you comments (now that I set up a google account). As you can tell, I thought of the same thing you did for "T" with the Brick House song. LOL
(Mama Pajama/Holly)
What a great interpretation!! I have way too many stacks around as well - in fact I posted on some of the "stacks" in my office at work. Glad to have you back - can't wait to see all those pictures!!
BTW I've given you an award - check out my blog when you get the chance! :)
Oh I am blushing!! What a great idea here: really great!
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