Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Wordless Wednesday


BeccA's Buzz said...

I posted this newborn photo today, in honor of my nephew's 1st birthday to be celebrated this Saturday in the park. Happy birthday, "Baby E", Aunt BeccA loves you!!

Ingrid said...

What a cute picture ! He looks like a doll !

Bernie said...

He is a cutie indeed...

Oh, btw, I have bee to that beach that makes up your header image! Llandudno was a fantastic place, did you take the cable car tram up onto the Great Orm?

Ours is up as well at burntofferings and more at bernies fotoblog.

Happy WW!!

Anonymous said...

cute picture! happy WW!

Mark said...

Great baby pic! I think all hospitals use the same blanket for newborns, or at least the same white, pink, blue color scheme.

Wales, huh? I would love to visit Europe some day. At age 36 (almost 37), I've never even been out of the U.S.A.

chartao said...

Happy birthday, "Baby E" in advance!

Shosh said...

Beautiful! I get all melty and gooey inside when I see a new baby.

Lil Knitter said...

Oh how sweet...such a little fella. Oh how I miss those day.
Happy Birthday little man!
Happy WW!

Shelia said...

Oh, how beautiful. Happy Birthday!!

Natalie said...

There's nothing quite as precious as a newborn. Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday to him!! great shot Becca!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Very sweet photo. What a cute little newborn!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday "Baby E"!
And happy WW to Aunt Becca! :-)

Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Aww, such a teeny tiny baby!

Crazed Nitwit said...

He's a beautiful newborn. How fun to be an auntie. You get to spoil him and then go home and sleep through the night! :)

Anonymous said...

Great picture :) can see the pride in your eyes... I can tell you love being an aunt!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to the little man!

Thanks for sharing him with us!

Anonymous said...

what a cute baby! have a nice WW!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful photo!

Mine is up here;
Wordless Wednesday
Happy WW!

Amy's Blah, Blah, Blogging said...

Awww...happy birthday to him!

Joyismygoal said...

he is so fresh happy B-day

Rebecca said...

Awwwwwww. I have a nephew. We call him E. His name is Ethan.

Beckaboo said...

There is NOTHING like a new baby!


Sophia said...

Such a little bundle of joy!!! That first year goes by so fast doesn't it! My son just celebrated his first birthday last month.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful baby picture!

Patti said...

What a cute picture! Happy WW! :)

Sandee said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, how cute. The both of you too. Have a great WW. :)

Anonymous said...

awww what a cute little baby! I love how they look all bundled up like that, and with a hat on. Just too cute. ^^

Anonymous said...

Just precious! Happy WW!

Cecily R said...

What an adorable newborn! I swear those blankets are in every hospital. Just looking at it makes me feel all nostalgic and fuzzy! :)

Anonymous said...

oh nice shot. a very cute baby

SimplyGigi said...

sooooo sweet!

Unknown said...

AWWWW! I love newborns. He is bright-eyed in this picture. What a cutie! Happy WW

Mimi Lenox said...

How sweet....

Anonymous said...

How precious! I can tell you're a proud Auntie :). Happy WW.

Thanks for visiting my blog. Take care and God bless!

Andree said...

I looked at the full size photo to confirm my suspicions, and yup! He is staring at you with such devotion and love. It's amazing. He's beautiful (great cap, too!)

Anonymous said...

Imagine, someday that little guy will be old enough to read your blog. What a neat thing that he'll be able to see proof that his Aunt has always loved him.

Alison said...

What a cute picture! I just love babies - and I can tell you are such a proud aunt! Just precious!!

BTW: The bow you asked about in my "Fair" post - I didn't make it. I wish I could make those - instead I had a teacher I work with make that one for Mikayla!