Wow, what a great Heads or Tails topic for this time of my life! I've just been on a huge adventure, so this one is a no brain-er. Only problem is telling too much out of sequence, I mean I've only made it through Episode #1! LOL Maybe I'll just stick to a different aspect of the topic.
Ok, so explore. What does explore mean to me? I love it! I'm a big girl, and the older I get the more I realize - I have limitations! But I still enjoy getting out and exoploring the great green earth that God gave us. It's a mighty, wondrous place you know!
Speaking of wonders, how about the famous 7 wonders of the world? Actually, I'm finding out there are more than one kind of wonder! So I pick natural wonders, since this is what someone would find if they were to 'explore' the earth way back when. Let's see what the explorers might have said when they stumbled upon a couple of them...
The Grand Canyon:

"What the heck happened here? Looks like someone flushed all the floods of the earth down this pipe! (scratching their heads) How are we gonna get around that?"
Mount Everest:

Well, there you are, some imagined commentary from explorers of way back when. Get out, explore your world. It's what it's there for! You'll enjoy it. There are many things to see, and on that note, I will leave you with a lovely photo I took whilst exploring on my last adventure. No commentary needed.
Great post. Have a happy day!
grand canyon is so mystic, kind has this hidden vibes around it, totally worth exploring
I think you're pretty close in what you imagine those explorers were thinking when they came across those things. When I got the the Grand Canyon I just wanted to go exploring as much as possible. I would have loved to have the time to hike down into the canyon - but imagine that hike back up!
If you want to use my picture of the trail in the woods, that's fine - just let me know so I can see how you use it, and let people know where you found it, if you can.
Absolutely beautiful! Good job!
Wonderful post! Beautiful photos - I especially love the last photo that you took.
Yes, wallpaper would be good. Maybe I should use it myself. Go ahead.
I was just having visions of what you'd have the explorers thinking when they found that path. "What ancient civilization carved these steps?" or something...
wow--what a great post and such beautiful pictures!! Love Grand Canyon one the best!
How fun!
Happy Tuesday! :)
We share this love of nature (and of being big gals). When we vacation, we skip all the touristy spots and go to the national parks and such. Sometimes the view out the window on the way there is just as beautiful. :)
Rambler: Yes, I visited the South Rim for a couple hours (tops) and it was so beautiful, I cried as I walked up to the edge the first time. It was stunning and breathtaking and very special to me. I vowed to go back and explore more at another time. I'd really like to go out in a helicopter ride to see too!
Misty Dawn: Thanks! There will be more of that story as I get further into my 'European Vacation' stories. Actually, that was the last day of fun stuff, so it could be a while, but please, come back and follow along, it's worth it!
Anna: Hmmm, maybe they would say, "Where did this come from? Maybe there are extraterrestrials here! Well, that's just great, how are we gonna get around that?" LOL
Miles to go: Thanks! I feel the same way!
Skittles: Just as beautiful? I must quote the great Clark Griswold when he said, "Ellen, you know that getting there is 1/2 the fun!" There are so many unseen beautiful things in this world. Patches of wild flowers tucked behind a row of trees along a highway where all the cars buzz by at 60 miles per hour. We have no idea how much we miss by not looking!
what a beautiful post! love it!
Great Heads or Tails. I love the pictures you use! :)
I love the Everest thing: I'm a fan of Everest (for mathematical reasons of all things) so that one's a hoot!
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