What you are about to hear is a story that happened to me just the other night. For you see, I am now in the habit of 'can hunting' on my way home late at night. 'Can hunting' is just that, searching out aluminum cans to recycle. It's one of the many ways of making money I recently started to incorporate into my way of life. I like to hunt cans late at night through the park near my house because there are no other people driving through the park at that late hour! I feel safer and it's easier to do what I need to do without other cars, bicyclists and the like. I also circle a couple of streets on the outskirts of the park too.

I always approach the cans cautiously. Sometimes they are not exactly empty. I know this must sound yucky to you readers out there, but it's free money just laying there! I can't help myself! So I have a way of pouring that's really more of a centrifical flinging than anything. I like the liquids to splash away from my ankles! I go can hunting at least once or twice a week now, I just can't help myself!
Well, anyway, it was bound to happen eventually, I stopped to pick up a can and did my test-fling-are you empty-dump move when I felt something inside the can come out and fall onto the ground and scurry away. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I threw the can and got the bleep out of there. I couldn't make out exactly what it was, but it was BIG and dark, it kinda reminded me of one of those
Madagascar hissing cockroaches they used to make the participants on Fear Factor eat! I can't even stand to look at a small picture of one on my blog, so click at your own risk!
I might be done 'Can hunting' for a while...
Girl - after that I would be done for sure! You are brave to go collecting in a park at night!! I love your play by play - hilarious! Though I'm sure it wasn't at the time...
Yeah, it was so creepy, I just hurled the entire can and jumped back in my car and took off! Reminds me of the time I was young and went fishing with my dad at a lake. I was fishing with one of his poles on the bank of the lake, when *something* slithered past me at the edge of the water, I just got up and threw the entire fishing pole out in the lake and took off up the bank screaming. My dad of course, was very upset about the pole. Now that I'm an adult, I can understand that. But back then, I just wanted him to be on my side about it! LOL
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