Side Note: My mom who is staying with me for a short time between places to live, is gone for a week on vacation, so I had my apartment to myself again... :)
Saturday morning I slept in - WAY in. Sorry to all those of you who curse my single soul for not being awakened on the weekends at the crack of dawn, but I have no babies! So leave me to my slumber! Saturday's mail brought a "Travel essentials" package from England! My dear friend that I'll be visiting next month (I can't believe it's getting so close!) sent a couple of pamphlets for day tours of London, some info about England's different districts or areas and a toiletries care package marked 'Travel essentials.' Inside I found: a travel package of toilet seat covers, travel pack of tp, roll of Tums, some Wet Ones antibacterial moist wipes singles, Band-Aids, tea tree oil facial blotting tissues, eye drops, Pepto Bismol tablets, sugar free Halls throat drops, alcohol pads, Shout stain wipe packet and some safety pins. Interesting and handy! Thanks A! (I'm emailing you a thank you right after this post!)
Next, I did some running around then went to Jen's house and we all went out to Pomodoro's, a sub and pasta place near their house that is supposedly like an old favorite P'sghetti's (that is the way you spell it, it's named after the cute way their kid used to say it). I have to admit, it was a big rip off of P'sghetti's...and you know what happens when you try to copy something. After, we took the kiddos to the play place at McD's and had ice cream cones. My dad called and invited me to come down to the country on Sunday and go swimming in the pool. So I asked Jen if she wanted to go and take the kiddos down for the day after church in the morning and she said, "Sure!"
So that brings us to Sunday. We had alot of people in church Sunday morning, which was really nice! Our pastor and his family had just returned the day before from a 2 week vacation. Very rare! So we are all glad they are back safe. After, I went to Jen's and we had a yummy lunch of home made cheese and turkey quesadillas. Then on the road for about an hour to my dad's in the country.

All in all, it was a pretty good weekend! I just realized I spent every day of it with Jen, but that doesn't happen all the time. It was nice :) I would post a pick of the kiddos having a snack at my dad's but I don't have permission yet to display that online :) UPDATE: PERMISSION GRANTED (just for the record, see comments)
I had a lot of fun this weekend too! Thanks for inviting us to your dad's. And feel free to post the pics. Love ya!
Ok, permission granted!!! I'll post 2, the second one's the cutest one! :)
YAY to the permission!
Everything looked like so much fun! :D
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